This year seems to be really flying by, and where yesterday seemed like spring, tomorrow is already changing to fall. The weather is not the only thing changing around us as the clock moves forward. With mixed emotions, I must inform you that Cindy Babicz, a 28-year employee of the Streamwood Park District, is leaving to become the Director of Recreation for the Wauconda Park District. Cindy has been an incredible asset to the District and is very well known in the Streamwood Community. While we will miss her, we are very happy that she is taking the next step in her professional career. Good Luck Cindy and we will miss you! This fall and winter you will also notice a few other changes within the District. First, the Community Center on Bartlett Road will be receiving a new roof with work beginning at the end of August. The Park Place Family Recreation Center in Partnership with Rush Physical Therapy will also be receiving a couple of needed updates and changes. The rooftop unit that provides heating and air conditioning for the pool and dehumidification for the facility is being replaced. This project is scheduled to begin in September and be completed in January. There will be some interruptions of pool use but we are working to minimize the times. The hallway floors are also being replaced this fall and new fitness and registration counters are being installed. These facility upgrades are designed to improve your experiences at the Streamwood Park District. Lastly, in case you missed it, the Commissioners’ Park renovation has been completed and the park looks incredible. Be sure to stop by and check out all of the amenities, including basketball, futsal, playground, and the Challenge course. As we begin to prepare for 2022, we will continue moving things forward as we work to exceed your expectations. Enjoy your Parks, |