Streamwood Park District Referendum Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: Why does the Streamwood Park District want to sell area “A”?
A: The Park District would like to use the proceeds to improve existing parks and facilities with planned capital improvements.
Q: Will selling this property increase my real estate bill?
A: No. The property sale will not impact the Park District portion of your property tax bill.
Q: What will happen to the property after the sale?
A: The property would be subject to normal development requirements and could increase the tax base within the Village of Streamwood.
Q: How much park property does the Park District have now?
A: The Streamwood Park District owns, leases, and maintains 303.6 acres, which includes 52 parks and 38 playgrounds.
Q: Why does the sale have to go to referendum?
A: State statutes that govern the Park District require the sale in question to be put to a referendum.
Q: Who can I contact for more information?
A: Questions can be directed to Jeffrey S. Janda, CPRE at jjanda@spdcares.com.
Q: What will the question be on the ballot?
A: Shall the Streamwood Park District, Cook County, Illinois, sell the following described real estate: that approximately 10.46-acre parcel of real property consisting of all of the land, commonly known as 680 Sutton Road, parcel identification number 06-21-409-010-0000, in Streamwood, Illinois? YES_____ NO_____
Q: Why would the Streamwood Park District want to sell?
A: SPD bought this property in 2016 for its future development and use. Our 2022 Strategic Plan, which included input from Streamwood Park District residents, identified the need for SPD to invest in the assets and infrastructure that we already own and maintain. Now, and in the foreseeable future, our use of funds will be better spent maintaining our existing parks and facilities. The proceeds from selling this parcel would be reinvested in our existing properties.
Q: Will the sale of this land increase my personal property taxes?
A: This sale would have no impact on your personal property taxes. Depending on the purchaser, the sale could increase the tax base, meaning that a future owner could be subject to paying property taxes, which could bring in more tax dollars to local governmental entities in Streamwood, including the Streamwood Park District.
Q: Why does the sale have to go to a referendum?
A: State law requires the sale of a park district’s property that is 3 acres or larger to be approved by a vote of the residents at a referendum.
Q: Does the Streamwood Park District have plans to sell any other property?
A: Currently, Streamwood Park District has no plans to sell any other property.
Q: What is the current Zoning of the property?
A: The property is zoned C-2 and is part of a Planned Unit Development.