Week of Events
Day Camp Deadline
Day Camp Deadline
All participants can register for 3, 4, or 5 days for each week. Registering for 1-2 days is unavailable. FEE IS PER DAY! Registration can be done in person or online. An installment billing payment plan can be set up in person at Park Place. Once completed, camp forms, waivers, and the Parent Manual will […]
Summer Sweat: Spin
Summer Sweat: Spin
Free outdoor fitness classes! Spin Friday, July 12 | Park Place | 9 - 10a Tuesday, July 16 | Park Place | 6:30 - 7:30p
Fall Soccer League Registration Deadline
Fall Soccer League Registration Deadline
The fall soccer season begins in late-August and runs through October. We are always looking for volunteer coaches. Once coaches are chosen they will contact parents in mid-August. Soccer players are provided a team uniform but are expected to purchase their own shin guards and soccer shoes before the season starts. Register online!