Coed Volleyball League
17 years +
Join our brand-new Coed Volleyball League! Teams can consist of up to ten players; captains will register for their entire team. Games are 6 vs. 6. The league consists of a minimum of a six-game schedule with a tournament to finish off the season.REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 19
Mondays, July 12 – August 16
6-9p Ι $360 per team
Register with code 230304-01
Location: Park Place Family Recreation Center
Coed Cup In Hand Kickball League
21 years +
Good old-fashioned kickball + a cold beverage = a great time. This league is a spin on traditional kickball where players are required to play with a beverage in their hand (it is not required for the beverage to be alcoholic). The league will consist of six games plus playoffs. Teams will consist of 12 players, teams must at least have six players each week and at least three females. Games will be six innings or 45 minutes, whichever comes first.REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 28
Fridays, July 17 – August 28
6-9p Ι $350 per team
Register with code 230302-06
Location: Softball Field at Hoosier Grove Park
Men’s Softball League
18 years +
The Men’s Softball League will consist of a regular-season schedule with a single-elimination tournament at the seasons’ end. There will be awards for both the league and tournament champions. The maximum number of players per roster is 20. This is a 12″ slowpitch league.REGISTRATION DEADLINE: AUGUST 2
Thursdays, August 12 – October 21
6:30-9:30p Ι $475 per team
Register with code 330302-02
Location: Field 3 at Rahlf’s Woods Park
Adam Vasquez
Recreation Manager